Hi I'm


Welcome to my portfolio! I am a Full Stack Web Devolper always learning and exploring new things related to coding. My portfolio showcases some projects I have completed or colaborated on so far. Thank you for taking a look!


Burauza no Akachan

An Interactive Browser Pet.

Burauza no Akachan! A web based intercative browser pet of your own! Play, feed, clean and take care of your browser baby. Along with integrated Kanye quotes to entertain you, you will never want to leave you baby alone.


Pokemon Social Media Website

Ever wondered what would happen when Pokemon and social media evolve into one? Well Rllr-Decks is your answer! Post, update and collect Pokemon and compare them with your friends! Keep an eye out for those legendaries…

Employee Tracker

A Backend Employee Tracker

An employee tracker powered by Node, Inquirer and MySql with the options to view, add and update employees, departments and roles.

Note Taker

A Simple And Easy To Use Note Taker

An easy to use note taker app. Simply add and delete small notes and reminders using the power of Express.JS that you can run on localhost, or click the Heroku link below!

Pokemon Quiz

A Test Of Your Pokemon Knowledge

Welcome to my Pokemon Quiz! This is a timed quiz and you only have 60 seconds to complete it. For ever wrong answer 5 seconds will be deducted from the timer!

Team Generator

A Node Based Team Generator

A quick and easy way to create an html file and organize a team. With sections to input user emails, github profiles and office numbers, the team generator helps structure a team for any projects.